MAURO MESSEROTTI was born in Trieste on 29.7.1954.
In 1987 he won a permanent post of Astronomer Researcher at the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Trieste. In 2021 he went into retirement for reaching age limits.
From 2021 to 2024 he has been a senior research associate at INAF.
A Subject Scholar for Experimental Physics and Astronomy and Astrophysics, he has
been Adjunct Professor at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste for 23
years, where he gives the courses of Image Processing and Meteorology and
Climatology of Space for the degrees in Physics and the latter one for the local and
national Schools of Doctorate in Physics.
In 2007 he was associated with INFN Dept. of Trieste for the GLAST experiment, in
the following years for the FERMI experiment, then for HALCORD and finally for
SAMADHA for research on solar flares and Space Meteorology. He is a senior member
of the FERMI experiment for the year 2024 in the field of observation and physics of
solar flares for the science of Space Weather, having contributed to the preparation of
the first catalogue of solar flares observed by the AGILE spacecraft.
He is a co-founder (2014) of PICOSATS SRL, a spin-off of the University of Trieste
that deals with the research and development of advanced telecommunications
systems for the small satellite market, based in the Science Park Area in Trieste.
In the academic year 2023-2024 he was lecturer in Meteorology of Space at the
invitation of the Luiss Business School (Rome) within the Executive Master in
Advanced Management – Major in Space Economy.
He was co-director and lecturer of several Space Weather schools. The last one was the School “Operational Space Weather Fundamentals” (L’Aquila, Italy, 13-17 May 2024).
He is co-founder of the open access peer-reviewed scientific journal “Journal of Space
Weather and Space Climate”, published by EDP Sciences (France).
Since 2017 he has been Senior Advisor for Space Weather at the INAF Science
He has been a member of: – the ESA Space Weather Working Team since 2000; – the
ESA SWWT Steering Board since 2011; – the Solar System Exploration Panel (SSEP)
of the European Space Science Committee (ESSC) of the European Science Foundation
(ESF) (2019-2026); – the Panel on Space Weather (PSW) of COSPAR (Committee on
Space Research) (2020-).
He is Senior Member of the URSI (2018-) and Member of the CNR-URSI Italia
Commission for the J – Radio Astronomy Commission (2023-2026).
From 2021 to 2016 he was a member of the Interprogramme Coordination Team on
Space Weather (ICTSW) of the World Meteorological Organisation, which laid the
foundations for all the subsequent WMO activitiesin the field of Space Weather.
He is a member of the UVCS payload Scientific Team of the spacecraft SOHO (Solar
and Heliospheric Observatory) as Associate Scientist and of the METIS payload
Scientific Team of the spacecraft Solar Orbiter as Co-Investigator.
An expert in Solar Radioastronomy and Meteorology of Space, he is the author and
co- author of more than 260 scientific works (ORCID: 0000-0002-5422-1963; H-index: 21; i10-index: 37)