ESSC Chair Athena Coustenis receives the 2019 IPPW Al Seiff Award
April 24, 2019
On 16 April 2019, and in frame of the International Planetary Probe Workshop (IPPW), ESSC Chair Athena Coustenis received the 2019 IPPW Al Seiff Award.

Dr. Coustenis was awarded the 2019 IPPW Al Seiff Award on account of “[her] career contributions to the advancement of outer solar system science, particularly atmospheres and surfaces of icy satellites in the outer solar system, for contributions to in situ and remote sensing exploration of Titan with the Huygens probe and the Cassini orbiter, for her dedicated advocacy for future in situ missions to study outer solar system destinations, for all her efforts in organizing sessions and conferences that promoted planetary science at large, and for her continued engagement of young researchers in planetary research programs.”