53rd Plenary
1-2 June 2017
Athens, GR
ESSC 53rd Plenary Meeting
The European Space Science Committee (ESSC), Committee composed of 32 scientists met for their 53rd plenary meeting on 1-2 June at the Academy of Athens in Greece. The meeting was attended by 39 participants including Representatives of the Academy of Athens, University of Athens, National Observatory of Athens, Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology, European Institute of Law, Science and Technology, Si-Cluster, JAXA, ESA, EC, SSB/NAS and COSPAR.

Invited Guests
Maurice Borgeaud
Head of Earth Observation Department (EO), Science, Applications and Climate, European Space Agency
Ioannis A. Daglis
Leader of the Space Physics Group, University of Athens, GR
Jean-Louis Fellous
Executive Director, COSPAR, FR
Jason Hatton
Science Coordinator for Biology and Environmental Monitoring, European Space Agency
Patricia Kyprianidou
Secretary General for Hellenic Foundation for Research and Technology, GR
Mats Ljungqvist
Senior Programme Manager, European Commission
Michael Moloney
Director, Space Studies Board (SSB), US
Arvind Parmar
Head, Research and Scientific Support Department, European Space Agency
Manolis Plionis
Director and President of the BoD of the National Observatory (NOA) of Athens, GR
Jorge-A. Sanchez-P
Chairman of the Board of the Space Technologies and Applications Cluster (Si-Cluster), GR
Chi Wang
General Director of NSCC, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), CN
Toru Yamada
Director of International Strategy and Coordination at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, JAXA, JP
Katerina Stolis
Representing Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou, European Institute of Law, Sicence and Technology, GR
Jean-Claude Worms
ESF Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio member
Christos Zerefos
Academy of Athens, President of theHellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, GR
- European Institute of Law, Science & Technology Presentation, Current Trends and Challenges in International Space Law (article), Dr. Dionysia-Theodora Avgerinopoulou
- COSPAR Update, Dr. Jean-Louis Fellous
- SSB Update, Dr. Michael Moloney
- The National Observatory of Athens: Research, Specialized Services and its operational role, Prof.Manolis Plionis
- Measuring in space with shadows from Antiquity to the European Sentinels, Prof. Christos Zerefos
To see the presentations, please contact essc[at]