54th Plenary
23-24th November 2017
Oberpfaffenhofen, DE
ESSC 54th Plenary Meeting
The European Space Science Committee (ESSC), Committee composed of 34 scientists met for their 54th plenary meeting on 23-24 November at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen (DE). The meeting was attended by 33 participants including representatives of the European Space Agency (ESA), European Commission (EC), Space Studies Board (SSB), ICE Cubes Space Applications Services, OHB System AG and Committee on Space Research (COSPAR).

Invited Guests
Marco Berg
OHB/Human Spaceflight department, DE
Maurice Borgeaud
Head of Earth Observation Department (EO), Science, Applications and Climate, European Space Agency
Luigi Colangeli
Head of the Science Coordination Office for the Scientific Programme, European Space Agency
Pascale Ehrenfreund
Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
Mats Ljungqvist
Senior Programme Manager, European Commission, DG GROWTH
Michael Moloney
Jean-Claude Worms
ESF Chief Executive Officer, ex-officio member
David Parker
Director Human and Robotic Exploration, European Space Agency
Hilde Stenuit
ICE Cube Space Applications Services, DE
- Dream Chaser for European Utilisation, Dr Marco Berg
- Status of the ESA Earth Observation Programmes, Dr. Maurice Borgeaud
- Status of the ESA Science Programme, Dr. Luigi Colangeli
- Planetary Science & Exploration: DLR Highlights, Prof. Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund
- BREXIT – a personal and “official” view on the impact on SPACE SCIENCE, Dr. Helen Jan Fraser
- COSPAR update, Prof. Karl-Heinz Glassmeier
- Horizon 2020 Work Programme for Research & Innovation 2018-2020, Dr. Mats Ljungqvist
- Space Studies Board Update, Dr. Michael Moloney
- Status and Outlook for European Exploration Envelope Programme, Dr. David Parker
- Making access for space experiments fast, simple, attractive and affordable, Dr. Hilde Stenuit
To see the presentations, please contact essc[at]