13-14th November 2017
Observatoire de Paris, FR
The “ExoOceans” study will focus on worlds that have the potential to harbor undersurface liquid water oceans and the implications to improve our understanding of the origin and development of life on Earth in ancient hydrothermal vents 4 billion years ago. This study involves participation and support from the European Marine Board, ISSI, Paris Sciences et Lettres and the National Academy of Sciences/Space Study Board.
The outcome of this activity will be a book within the Space Science Series of ISSI published by Springer on the science results and a science policy briefing detailing a science strategy for space exploration of the outer solar system icy moons oceans.
On the 13-14th November 2017, ESSC organised a study group meeting in the Paris Observatory, with a large attendance for a public part on the first day and 14 members sitting in the study team.
- Dr. Coustenis, Athena (Chair)- Observatoire de Meudon, France
- Dr. Cavalazzi, Barbara– University of Bologna, Italy
- Dr. Cazenave, Anny– International Space Science Institute, Switzerland
- Prof. de Leeuw, Jan– NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, The Netherlands
- Dr. Flögel, Sascha– GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
- Dr. Hand, Kevin– Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Dr. Hayes, Alexander- Cornell University, USA
- Prof. House, Christopher– Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Dr. Landgraf, Markus– European Space Agency – ESTEC, The Netherlands
- Prof. Mees, Jan– Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee- Belgium
- Dr. Olsson-Francis, Karen– Open University, UK
- Dr. Postberg, Franck– Heidelberg University, Germany
- Prof. Raulin, François– Université Paris Est Créteil, France
- Dr. Rettberg, Petra– German Aerospace Center, Germany
- Prof. Rodrigo, Rafael– International Space Science Institute, Switzerland
- Dr. Sommer, Stefan– GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany
- Dr. Sotin, Christophe– Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Dr. Tobie, Gabriel– Laboratoire de Planetologie et Geodynamique, France
- Dr. Wenzhöfer, Frank– Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany
- Dr. Cabezas, Patricia– European Science Foundation, France
- Mr. Walter, Nicolas– European Science Foundation, France
- The origin of life, on Earth and Elsewhere, Prof. Jan de Leeuw
- Life in marine extreme environments, examples of geological record, Dr. Barbara Cavalazzi
- Chemolithotrophs: the key for finding evidence of life in sub-surface ExoOceans, Dr. Karen Olsson-Francis
- Habitable Environments Across the Solar System: Toward an Ocean World Exploration Strategy, Dr. Alexander Hayes
- Geodynamics of icy worlds: Context for water-rock interactions, Dr. Gabriel Tobie
- Saturn’s moons Enceladus and Titan, Dr. Christophe Sotin
- Power solutions for cold dark environments, Dr. Markus Landgraf
- Technical advances to explore OCEANS-concepts and case studies from ROBEX, Dr. Frank Wenzhofer, Dr. Sascha Flogel, Dr. Stefan Sommer
- Introduction to ISSI (International Space Science Institute), Prof. Rafael Rodrigo

Update 2020: A book has been published in the ISSI Series: Ocean Worlds.
See the publications here.