Prof Ravit Helled Awarded the 2024 Paolo Farinella Prize

September 10th, 2024

The European Space Sciences Committee (ESSC) is thrilled to congratulate Prof Ravit Helled, a distinguished ESSC panel member for Astronomy and Fundamental Physics, on being awarded the prestigious 2024 Paolo Farinella Prize. The prize was presented to Prof Helled during the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) 2024, held in Berlin, in recognition of her pioneering research into the internal structures of planetary bodies and their implications for the formation processes of the Solar System.

The Farinella Prize, named in honour of the renowned Italian scientist Paolo Farinella, celebrates researchers under the age of 47 who have made significant advancements in one of the many fields Farinella contributed to. This year’s award focused on the study of the internal structures of Solar System bodies, including planets, moons and smaller celestial objects. Prof Helled’s groundbreaking work, particularly her theory of dilute or ‘fuzzy’ cores in gas giants, has revolutionised our understanding of giant planet formation.

Prof Helled’s research tackles critical questions about planetary formation within and beyond our Solar System. Her theory, suggesting that the cores of gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn contain heavy elements that mix with hydrogen and helium throughout the deep interior, has been confirmed by data from NASA’s Juno and the Cassini missions. Her contributions have significantly influenced the scientific community’s understanding of gas giant and ice giant structures, shedding light on the processes that shape their formation and evolution.

On receiving the award, Prof Helled expressed her gratitude, stating: “I am honoured to receive the 2024 Farinella Prize. I value very much doing research and I enjoy every moment of it. I am grateful for being able to explore planets in the solar system and beyond, and for working with so many outstanding people.”

In addition to her remarkable scientific achievements, Prof Helled is actively involved in international space missions. She serves as a Co-Investigator on NASA’s Juno mission and ESA’s Juice mission, is a Science Team Member of ESA’s Plato mission, and plays a key role in ESA’s Ariel mission.

The ESSC is proud to have Prof Helled as part of its Astronomy and Fundamental Physics panel and congratulates her on this well-deserved recognition. Her pioneering work will undoubtedly continue to inspire the planetary science community for years to come.

To learn more about the Paolo Farinella Prize, visit Europlanet Society.