63rd Plenary

04 - 06 May 2022

ESSC 63rd Plenary Meeting

The European Space Science Committee (ESSC) met for their 63rd plenary meeting between 4-6 May 2022. The meeting was attended by participants from the ESSC members, the ESSC Secretariat, and the representatives from European and International institutions, such as the European Space Agency (ESA), the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), and the Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board (SSB).

Invited Guests

Nicole Buckley

European Space Agency Research and Payloads Group 

Maurice Borgeaud

Head of Earth Observation Department (EO), Science, Applications and Climate, European Space Agency

Colleen Hartman

SSB/ASEB Board Director, Space Studies Board (USA), ex-officio member

Günther Hasinger

Director of Science Programmes (SCI), European Space Agency

Nicolas Walter

Chief Executive Officer - European Science Foundation

Jean-Claude Worms

Executive Director, COSPAR, ex-officio member

Dominique Langevin

CNRS Research Director, France

Stéphane Udry

Astronomer at the Geneva Observatory, Switzerland

Maarten Krol

Air Quality and Atmospheric Chemistry Prof. at Wageningen University


  • COSPAR presentation, Jean-Claude Worms
  • NAS Space Science Board presentation, Colleen Hartman
  • ESA / SCI presentation, Günther Hasinger
  • ESA / HRE presentation, Nicole Buckley
  • ESA / EO presentation, Maurice Borgeaud

to see the presentations, please contact essc[at]