ESSC participation in EC Workshop on Education and Skills in the field of Space and EU -funded research

The ESSC committee was represented on the 21st of April, by Professor Hermann Opgenoorth, in an EC organised “Workshop on Education and Skills in the field of Space and EU -funded research”, in preparation for the upcoming Horizon Europe framework programme.

ESSC participation in EC Workshop on Education and Skills in the field of Space and EU -funded research Read More »

ESSC attends the ESA Advisory Committee on Earth Observations (ACEO) Meeting (29-30 October 2019) at ESRIN

ESSC is very actively represented in the ESA Advisory Committee on Earth Observations (ACEO). In that respect, the ESSC Chair, A. Coustenis, who is also the former President of the IUGG/IAMAS Association, has attended all meetings and voiced the European scientific community’s ideas and opinion on the various subjects related to Earth space sciences.

ESSC attends the ESA Advisory Committee on Earth Observations (ACEO) Meeting (29-30 October 2019) at ESRIN Read More »