MICHAELA I. HEGGLIN is Director at the Institute of Climate and Energy Systems of the Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany), Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Reading (UK), and Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the University of Wuppertal (Germany). She holds an MSc in Environmental Sciences and a PhD in Atmospheric Sciences from ETH Zurich in Switzerland. She has spent several years of her academic career as Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Associate at the University of Toronto in Canada, where she worked closely with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and had research links to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (NASA-JPL).
Her main expertise lies in data analysis of Earth Observations (EO), with a recent focus on how to exploit EO in support of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, and more generally in atmospheric composition and transport, stratospheric ozone depletion, air pollution, chemistry-climate coupling, biogeochemical cycles, and Earth-system model evaluation.
Michaela has occupied leadership roles in multiple international science coordination activities for the World Climate Research Programme’s (WCRP) Stratosphere-troposphere Processes and Their Role in Climate (SPARC) Project and in the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Scientific Assessments of Ozone Depletion, was a member of Future Earth’s Earth Commission Working Group 3 on Pollutants and Nutrients, and Principal Investigator of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Water Vapour Climate Change Initiative. She has also been a Member of the PREMIER Mission Advisory Group during Phase A of ESA’s Earth Explorer 7 satellite selection process.